Sunday, June 12, 2011

kinds of Best Foods for Your Heart

Food was very influential on your heart health, especially when you start to get older. Apart from supplementation and exercise, your heart's health depends on the foods that are rich in nutrients as mentioned below. Serve these foods in your daily diet to keep your heart to stay healthy until old age.

1. Almonds
Almond is the kind of nuts are rich in unsaturated fatty acids and phytosterols. Unsaturated fatty acids are able to increase spending on bad cholesterol is LDL cholesterol and increase HDL concentrations in the blood, while the phytosterols are able to compete with cholesterol so it is not absorbed by the intestine. Almonds can be presented in a topping / complement of your cooking.

2. Apple
The researchers from prestigious universities in America, found that eating an apple every day can block the increase in LDL cholesterol and lowers LDL cholesterol increased by 8%. Apples contain pectin which is soluble fiber that cleans the arteries of the buildup of cholesterol plaques are dangerous for the heart. Serve slices of apple with oatmeal are good also for the heart.

3. Soybean
Soybean has the ability to lower cholesterol and cancer. Soybeans are rich in isoflavonoid compounds capable of controlling the bad cholesterol and as an antioxidant to prevent cancer. In addition, soy is also rich in soluble fiber that helps oligosaccharide also in preventing the accumulation of plaque in blood vessels. Serve soybeans into soybean porridge or roasted as a topping cuisine.

4. Fruit Berry (Strawberry, Blueberry, Raspberry)
Fruit berries contain a component that is similar to resveratrol in wine. In addition, the berries contain antioxidants types pterostilbene, which stimulates liver cells to work to digest fat and cholesterol. Reduced bad cholesterol concentration in the blood can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Serve as a juice or a complement to salads.

5. Sea Fish
Species of fish in deep sea such as salmon and tuna are rich in omega fatty acids, especially omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9. According to research at a university in Europe, for 2 weeks of consuming these fish showed the risk of narrowing of blood vessels by 20%. Serve fish with roasted or grilled with olive oil.

 Below is the worst kind of food for the heart
Worst food for the heart is that many foods contain salt, sugar and fat, among others:

    1. Soda
    2. French fries
    3. Chips
    4. Bacon
    5. Pasta salad
    6. Burger fast food
    7. Granola bars
    8. Chocolate Cereals
    9. Donat
  10. Processed Cheese

Quoted from : detikhealth and 
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