Sunday, June 19, 2011

How Exfoliating Scrubs Make My Face Healthier

How Exfoliating Scrubs Make My Face Healthier: "

What Are Exfoliating Scrubs

Exfoliating scrubs are simply a product designed to help break the bond between dead and damaged skin cells and your face. Blackheads and whiteheads are caused by blockages of your pores by excess oil and dead skin cells. While excess dead skin cells might seem unnatural, in fact, it is necessary to maintain a healthy appearance. On average, our face eliminates over 40,000 dead skin cells from our face alone every single day. Unfortunately for those with oily skin, sometimes those skin cells mix with oil and clog our pores. Our bodies continue to produce oil through the pore resulting in an inflammation called a breakout.

Cleansing your face regularly with an exfoliating scrub can reduce the number of breakouts you suffer from for two reasons. First, it helps control the oil on your face. Second, it not only clears away old dead skin cells that hadn’t been removed from your face, but it also gently breaks down the bond between newer dead cells and your face.

How To Include Exfoliates In Your Plan

Even the best pore minimizing products can’t eliminate the oil production on your face. So, you need to take counteractive steps to help control the number of breakouts on your face. By implementing a daily skin care regimen you can expect to see results in as little as a few weeks.

Be sure to wash your face 2-3 times each day with a gentle pore cleanser. Before going to bed each night, exfoliate with a formula made for your skin type. Finally, be sure to moisturize after every cleansing and exfoliating. By using a non-oil based formula you can control your oil production, while reducing the greasy appearance of your face. After several weeks of consistent treatment, you may begin to introduce pore minimizing products to help keep your pores clean and healthy.

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    3 Tips to Lose 20 Pounds a Month

    3 Tips to Lose 20 Pounds a Month: "

    What is the first thing in your head when we have to discuss the potential to lose 20 pounds a month. You might think that this is only by fasting. But I should tell you that you cannot really on fasting. This is not the right way for you to do. Instead, you must have a solid weight loss plan for ways to lose weight fast. I will layout 3 tips and ideas for you to lose weight fast in this article.

    1. Workout routine

    It is extremely important that you have a good exercise routine. The first question you must ask yourself is the frequency of exercise. When was the last time you go for some exercises? In most cases, people do not really plan to have a regular workout. This is the problem here. You will never lose the ability and weight if you do not have a solid exercise plan. You should try to increase your heart rate during exercise, so you lose your metabolism and fat.

    2. Eat more often

    In order to lose 20 pounds a month, you should try to eat more often. The idea is that you upload your metabolic rate when you can eat more often. Normally, you must have 5 to 6 meals per day. However, it is very important that you care about the size of your meals to take. They should be small sizes. For example, you should only take a small sandwich and some fruit for lunch.

    3. Change your lifestyle

    You have to make some changes to your lifestyle. This is the way for you to lose 20 pounds a month. You have to get rid of knowledge of all the bad habits. For example, you should avoid alcohol because it may contain a lot of calories. You should also be physically active. You should go more and you will lose weight soon!

    You also need weight loss pills to achieve your goal of losing £ 20. The best pills to help ensure that you lose weight fast and healthy.

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      Sunday, June 12, 2011

      Ten health tips for getting smoother younger looking skin nature

                We all want to get smoother younger looking skin naturally. There are many techniques that are out there that can give you a good idea on the best ways to accomplish this. With the new advancements made daily, there is always a new way to accomplish this growing need of getting smoother younger looking skin naturally. There are many ways this could be accomplished. Some health tips are:

      1. Water- Whether you know it, water helps you obtain natural smoother skin. The water flushes away toxins that block your potential of getting that smooth skin. However, by drinking around 5 cups a day at least will allow your to get that nice skin you've always wanted.

      2. Proper Nutrients- Having the right nutrients in your body will give you smoother younger looking skin naturally. There is never a downside to getting proper nutrients. You not only get smoother skin, you can get healthier.

      3. Aloe Vera- The application of this natural gel will allow your skin to exfoliate. When you have exfoliated skin, it can breathe easier and allow for healing skin. Normally used to help cool sunburns, Aloe Vera is great to give you healthy smoother skin.

      4. Lemon Juice- By applying lemon juice to your face, can protect your skin from acne forming or dry skin. This protection is the best that you can put on your face because of the nutrients that are found in lemon juice.

      5. Protection- Having sunscreen on your skin is the best protection you can give to your skin. People are going to go out in the sun; this is never going to be stopped. However, you can protect your skin by applying the right SPF sunscreen that is available at your local grocery store. Staying out in the sun too long, regardless of sunscreen, is not healthy.

      6. Vitamin E- Vitamins are always going to have a benefit to your body. Vitamin E works to exfoliate your skin and get the greasiness out of it. No one likes having oily skin because this is a breading ground for acne and dry skin. Taking vitamins is another good health tip for all.

      7. Fruits and Vegetables- This of course is a common knowledge that fruits and vegetables are good for you. But, many forget that they are also good or your skin. Applying this dietary change into your diet will change the look of your skin drastically. There are many vitamins that are found in fruits and vegetables that it is no wonder why it would help your skin as well.

      8. Fish- Many people don't know it, but fish has many benefits in ways of giving you smooth skin. Fish oils have been used as vitamins to help in many ways. The same fish oils transfer to your cells that help protect you from getting dry and achy skin.

      9. Moisturize- You always need to do this if you are going to make any progress in reducing the aging process and get smoother younger looking skin. When you moisturize with different lotions that are natural, not only are you getting the benefits of the vitamins that are found in natural lotions, you are getting that smooth texture to your skin.

      10. Anti-aging supplement- Resveratrol is one of the most popular solutions when it comes to staying young. This is because it has been proven to be effective in lab tests. Also known for the anti-cancer agent that is found in the supplement, it will target and get rid of cancer cells.

              Studies have shown this might be a new cancer prevention supplement and scientists are working to find new evidence pointing to help this theory. That is the most important strategy right now.

              Be sure to research extensively before you buy. Here is a list of the Best Resveratrol Supplements. Through all the health tips that you can find that will help you get those smooth younger looking skin, you can find the above tips to be the most satisfactory.

               There are many benefits of taking care of your skin. Having the right health tips is the most important thing that you could do to achieve that goal. There are many incidences which having the smooth skin pays off. You don't have to worry about any problems down the line of having bad skin that has to be operated on or have the unwanted skin cancer. Be cautious and always protect your skin the best you can.

      Great health tips for diabet

             In order to control or even reverse Type II diabetes, one the main things you need to do is control the release of insulin. Here are 5 tips to help you:

      1. Minimize the use of grains, even whole grains. The reason for this is that even cooked whole grains are starchy and will cause a spike in sugar levels, thus needing to dump more insulin.

      2. Use Extra Virgin Coconut Oil when cooking. It is the most stable at high temperatures and will not turn to transfat, a very deadly form of fat. Coconut oil has many benefits including the fact that it is anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-microbial. Although it is a saturated fat, it is a healthy fat that will not promote artery clogging.

      3. Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil on salads. It's great to mix this with lemon juice or even vinegar. Vinegar has been shown to slash blood sugar in studies, so go ahead and use it as well.

      4. Eat avocados. We all need good fats in our diets, and avocados are one of the best. If you don't like them, start trying to acquire a taste for them. I never liked them, but I eat them in salads a lot now just because I know how good they are for you. Not only do they help lower cholesterol, but they will help to slow the release of sugar in the body and accordingly, this will help with controlling insulin.

      5. Get moving! Exercise is one of the best ways to get control of insulin levels. Even if it's just 30 minutes a day, get moving. I personally LOVE the mini-trampoline. I jump every morning while watching my favorite preachers (Paula White, or Joyce Meyer or Creflo Dollar), on TV. Jumping while you watch TV is a great way to keep your mind busy, while moving your body. You will get the blood circulating, get the toxins stirred up to be carried out, and you'll have more energy to boot! Be sure to do a little stretching afterwards.

      go up in smoke

      A study published in the journal Environmental Health found that people who smoke in confined places inhale enough secondhand smoke to significantly increase their risk from smoking. Researchers in Genoa, Italy chose 15 newsstand vendors for their study because they worked alone inside small kiosks. The researchers discovered that smoking 14 cigarettes a day in an enclosed space is equal to smoking an extra 2.6 cigarettes. Also, 14.6%-20% of the carcinogens from regular cigarettes came from secondhand smoke. From light cigarettes it was 21%-34%. Obviously, smokers should have firsthand knowledge about secondhand smoke. Thirdhand smoke is the nicotine residue from secondhand smoke. This residue is on indoor surfaces and car interiors, where it can stay for months. It's also on clothes and skin. A study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that when this residue interacts with nitrous acid from unvented gas appliances or vehicle engines, it forms TSNA's - one of the most potent carcinogens in tobacco smoke. Because TSNA exposure is through touch, dust inhalation or ingestion, babies and toddlers are most at risk. Opening windows won't eliminate thirdhand smoke. Opening minds will.Minds also have to be open to the fact that hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is the second-leading cause of death in the U.S. It triggers more than one-third of heart attacks, is a leading cause of strokes and kidney failure and plays a role in blindness and dementia. According to the Institute of Medicine, nearly 1 in 3 adults has hypertension. Leading risk factors include being overweight, inactivity and poor diet. The good news is we can avoid those three risk factors by exercising, eating less salt and eating more potassium. The bad news is we can't avoid the 4th risk factor - getting older. Stroke risk for women over age 50 is increased by high-fat diets. A study presented at a 2010 American Stroke Association conference involved 87,230 women ages 50-79 participating in the Women's Health Initiative. Researchers divided participants' diet surveys into 4 groups based on fat consumed. Seven years later - after factoring out other things affecting stroke risk - researchers concluded the women eating the most fat had a 44% greater risk of stroke and those eating the most trans fat had a 30% greater risk. It seems cutting the amount of fat we eat doesn't require a stroke - of genius.

      kinds of Best Foods for Your Heart

      Food was very influential on your heart health, especially when you start to get older. Apart from supplementation and exercise, your heart's health depends on the foods that are rich in nutrients as mentioned below. Serve these foods in your daily diet to keep your heart to stay healthy until old age.

      1. Almonds
      Almond is the kind of nuts are rich in unsaturated fatty acids and phytosterols. Unsaturated fatty acids are able to increase spending on bad cholesterol is LDL cholesterol and increase HDL concentrations in the blood, while the phytosterols are able to compete with cholesterol so it is not absorbed by the intestine. Almonds can be presented in a topping / complement of your cooking.

      2. Apple
      The researchers from prestigious universities in America, found that eating an apple every day can block the increase in LDL cholesterol and lowers LDL cholesterol increased by 8%. Apples contain pectin which is soluble fiber that cleans the arteries of the buildup of cholesterol plaques are dangerous for the heart. Serve slices of apple with oatmeal are good also for the heart.

      3. Soybean
      Soybean has the ability to lower cholesterol and cancer. Soybeans are rich in isoflavonoid compounds capable of controlling the bad cholesterol and as an antioxidant to prevent cancer. In addition, soy is also rich in soluble fiber that helps oligosaccharide also in preventing the accumulation of plaque in blood vessels. Serve soybeans into soybean porridge or roasted as a topping cuisine.

      4. Fruit Berry (Strawberry, Blueberry, Raspberry)
      Fruit berries contain a component that is similar to resveratrol in wine. In addition, the berries contain antioxidants types pterostilbene, which stimulates liver cells to work to digest fat and cholesterol. Reduced bad cholesterol concentration in the blood can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Serve as a juice or a complement to salads.

      5. Sea Fish
      Species of fish in deep sea such as salmon and tuna are rich in omega fatty acids, especially omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9. According to research at a university in Europe, for 2 weeks of consuming these fish showed the risk of narrowing of blood vessels by 20%. Serve fish with roasted or grilled with olive oil.

       Below is the worst kind of food for the heart
      Worst food for the heart is that many foods contain salt, sugar and fat, among others:

          1. Soda
          2. French fries
          3. Chips
          4. Bacon
          5. Pasta salad
          6. Burger fast food
          7. Granola bars
          8. Chocolate Cereals
          9. Donat
        10. Processed Cheese

      Quoted from : detikhealth and 
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      tips to avoid back pain during pregnancy

      There are some things that cause pain in the back of pregnant women, including:

      a. Increased hormone
      b. The influence of gravity, because of the greater stomach
      c. Gained weight
      d. Posture or body position was wrong   
      e. Stress

      Here are some tips to relieve the back pain :

       1. Practice good posture
      When the growing fetus, the body's center of gravity shifts forward. This will pull the muscles in the lower back can cause back pain. So try busungkan ass backwards, pull the shoulders, stand straight and tall.

      2. Massage
      Massage the back of the lower body can often help relieve tired and sore muscles. Try leaning forward over the back of a chair or lying sideways. Your partner can gently massage the muscles of the spine or concentrate on the lower back.

      3. Warm water bath  
      Warm water bath, placed the parcel package containing hot water or hot shower directed at the back can help with back pain.

      4. Sleep on sideways position 
      When the stomach getting bigger, try to sleep on sideways position with one or both knees bent.

      5. Using a pillow under the stomach while sleeping
      Sleeping on your side position with a pillow placed under the abdomen has been shown to reduce back pain.

      6. Sit and Stand be carefully
      Sit with feet slightly elevated. Choose a chair that supports your back or place a small pillow behind your lower back. Frequently change positions and avoid standing for long periods of time. If you have to stand, try to rest one foot on a lower bench.

      7. Try to do strength training and stability
      Exercise pelvis and lower abdomen can help to reduce the strain of pregnancy on your back.

      The trick, straighten arms, knees and back to parallel. Take a deep breath and then when you breathe out, perform pelvic floor exercises and at the same time pull your belly button or contract and release. Hold this contraction for 5-10 seconds without holding her breath and without moving your back. Relax the muscles slowly at the end of the exercise.

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